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Discussion (formerly Forum)

Click on the "class site" where you want to hold the discussion, then click "Discussion" on the "Outline Screen." ?

  • "Discussion" is a required category or group.
  • "Topics" are detailed categories that belong to "Discussions." Participants create threads based on the theme of the topic and hold discussions.
  • A "thread" is a topic that posts a topic and collects replies to that post. Faculty Member and students can create threads within a topic.

Note: By default, a discussion will be created with your site name and a topic titled "General Discussion".

Main items


Create a discussion

New Discussion tab.Click the

Discussion Settings .Edit the discussion settings under

Discussion title ...Required

Short description, explanation : This is a field to explain the outline of the discussion. Input is optional.

Attachments : You can add attachments by pressing the "Add attachments" button. Both new uploads and uploads from "Class Materials" are supported.

Discussion Post…
Lock discussion (disable new posts)
Site administrator manages posts
Allow users to post before the site administrator has read it

Availability : Select whether or not you want to make it public (display) immediately.
Mark all messages in a thread as read ...If selected, messages will be marked as read once you've read them, without you having to press the "Mark as read" button.
Privileges : Select the privileges to grant to each role.

Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen to add the discussion.


Create a topic

New Topic .Click

Set the topic.

Topic title ...Required.
Short description, Description : This is a field to explain the outline of the topic. Input is optional.

Attachments ...You can add attachments by pressing the "Add attachment" button.
Topic Posts

Lock topic (stop posting to topic)
Moderate a topic
Allow users to post content before it has been read by the site administrator
Posts are anonymous (cannot be changed after topic is created)
Availability : Select "Display immediately" or "Specify public (display) date and time/close (hide) date and time."

Allow email notifications for new messages
Include contents of messages in email notifications

Mark all messages in a thread as read : If selected, messages you have read will be marked as read without you having to press the "Mark as read" button.
Privileges : Select the privileges to grant to each role.

Save to add the topic.Click


Delete a topic

For the topic you want to delete, click "Show more" ? "Delete topic." ?

A confirmation screen will appear, so click the "Delete Topic" button to complete the process.


Creating a Thread

Click on the topic where you want to create a new thread.

Create a new thread .Click

Title : Required.
Attachments ...You can attach files by clicking "Add attachment".

Post to create a thread.Click


Reply to a thread

Under "Discussions," click the desired discussion or topic, then click the thread you want to reply to.

Reply .Click

Type your message and click Post to post your reply.


Configuring Email Notifications

From "Discussion," click the "Notification Settings" tab.

Check the desired items for receiving email notifications and click the "Save" button.

